Resident Evil 5 - Chris and Sheva


               Resident Evil 5 is the seventh major game of the Resident Evil Series. The plot of the game involves 2 special agents of BSAA -Bioterrorism assessment Alliance investigating a terrorist threat in Kijuju, a fictional place in Africa. Chris has to confront his bad past from an old enemy Albert Wesker and his old partner Jill Valentine. Just like Resident Evil 4, the shooting controls of this game are also very tough and the movement of the players is very slow. However, taking down enemies seems easier in Resident Evil 5 because of the addition of the second player. Two are always better than one. When you play single player, Sheva doesn’t need babysitting, she takes care of herself pretty well.

Resident Evil 5

               Resident Evil 5, unlike its predecessors, is designed for two-player cooperative gameplay. The intro of the two players goes like this – Ten years after the destruction of Racoon City, former S.T.A.R.S Alpha team member Chris Redfield becomes a B.S.A.A. Agent. B.S.A.A. is a paramilitary anti-bio-organic weapon organization that travels all over the works to search and destroy the projects of UMBRELLA CORP which is captured by terrorist organizations. Chris’s partner name is Sheva Alomar who is a local B.S.A.A. Agent. The team fights with infected villagers, horrible monsters, and even the main villain of the series i.e. Albert Wesker.


Chris Redfield Resident Evil 5

Sheva Resident Evil 5

               Five years after the incidents that happened in Resident Evil 4 (Want to read about Resident Evil 4? Click Here) , our protagonist Chris Redfield is sent to Kijuju to team up with Sheva and stop Ricardo Irving from selling a B.O.W. – Bio Organic Weapon in the Black Market. When they reached there, they find that the villagers have already been infected by the parasites called Las Plagas (which we already encountered in Resident Evil 4.  In Resident Evil 5 the infected villagers are called Majini. The B.S.A.A. Alpha team who reached the village before Chris was KIA. Chris and Sheva gets attacked by the infected villagers and the B.O.W.s. B.S.A.A. Delta team arrives and rescues Chris and Sheva. Sheva’s mentor was in the B.S.A.A. Delta Team named Josh Stone. In Josh’s data Chris finds a photograph of his old partner, Jill Valentine (Valentine was her name but she was not a valentine of Chris, just a partner, or maybe not), who was presumed killed in action after she and Chris confronted Wesker a few years back. Chris, Sheva and the B.S.A.A Delta Team chases Irving but he escapes with the help of a hooded figure. On researching the documents left by Irving, Chris and Sheva find his link to marshy oilfields. That was the place where Irving was going to make the deal of selling the Bio-Organic Weapon. When Chris and Sheva reach the oilfields, they find that the documents Irving was left on purpose and it was just a diversion. When Chris and Sheva return to regroup with the B.S.A.A. Delta team, they find that the team was killed by a B.O.W. . Sheva didn’t find Josh’s body and Chris find that Jill Valentine can still be alive.

Resident Evil 5

               Continuing their mission in oilfields, they find Josh Stone who was heavily injured but safe, and with his help, they tracked down Irving’s boat. When Chris and Sheva find Irving, Irving injects himself with a mutated version of the Las Plagas parasite and turns into a huge octopus-like monster. Thankfully there was an LMG mounted on the boat and Chris and Sheva were able to defeat him. Before dying he told them about a cave and told them to go there to know more about what’s next. Chris and Sheva find that the cave was a  source of the flower which was used to create the virus and the cave was used Umbrella as well as a newly formed group known as Uroboros. Chris and Sheva again make an amazing discovery that a company named Tricell which was funding B.S.A.A. took over an old Umbrella laboratory and continued Umbrella’s research. When they get inside the facility, they see thousands of capsules holding human test subjects and Chris finds a capsule of Jill Valentine but she was not in it. When they were leaving, they discover that Tricell CEO Excella Gionne was planning with Wesker to launch missiles that contained Uroboros Virus and send it across the globe. Wesker’s intentions were revealed. He wanted to rule over the people who were left over after the virus outbreak and start a new breed of humanity. Chris and Sheva try to stop Gionne but were obstructed by Wesker and the hooded figure (the one who helped Irving to escape in the beginning). The hooded figure was Jill Valentine who was mind controlled by Wesker. Gionne and Wesker escape and goes to Tricell oil tanker and Chris and Sheva fight mind-controlled Jill Valentine. They were able to defeat her and remove the mind control device from her.

Resident Evil 5

               Chris and Sheva then reaches the tanker where they encounter Gionne, who escapes but drops a case of syringes on his way. Sheva keeps some syringes with her. When Chris and Sheva reaches the main deck, Wesker announces over the ship’s communication services that he has betrayed Gionne and infected her with the Uroboros Virus. Gionne then turns into a giant monster but Chris and Sheva defeat her easily (after dying 5 times). Valentine informs Chris and Sheva that Wesker has to take regular doses of a virus to maintain his strength and speed, if he will take a small or a large dose then he will be poisoned. Sheva then realizes that the syringes Gionne dropped were the doses of the drug. Chris and Sheva pursues Wesker to the bomber which was loaded with the virus missiles. They injected Wesker with the syringes Gionne dropped. Wesker tries to escape on the bomber but Chris and Sheva disable it, therefore, the bomber crashes into a volcano but somehow all three survives. They survived the plane crash and a volcano, wow. Wesker then injects himself with the Uroboros Virus and becomes a monster. He chases Chris and Sheva through the volcano. Chris and Sheva fight Wesker and he fell into the volcano. Then Josh and Jill comes in a helicopter to rescue Chris and Sheva. Suddenly Wesker comes out of the volcano and tries to bring the chopper down in the volcano with him but Chris and Sheva fire the legendary weapon i.e. the RPG ( Rocket Propelled Grenades which were also used by Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil 4 to kill the main villain.)at Wesker and killed Wesker for real this time.


Resident Evil 5 - Chris

               Resident Evil 5 is played from the third point perspective. You get a variety of weapons like handguns, shotguns, sniper rifles, and grenade launchers. Some time in the game you have to press some specific set of buttons to dodge enemy attacks. You can also perform a melee attack on your enemy. Just like Resident Evil 4 you can upgrade your weapons and heal yourself with herbs, but you cannot run and shoot at the same time. Enemies in Resident Evil 5 have guns and grenades. To upgrade your weapons, you have to find the merchant (just like the merchant of Resident Evil 4 enemies never go close to the merchant as he has all the guns in the game. You don’t get a suitcase to carry your equipment like Resident Evil 4. Each player can carry 9 items only. After the completion of the game, you can play as Sheva as well. If you want to play with your friend then multiplayer is available online in split-screen, Chris occupying the upper half of the screen and Sheva occupying the lower half. If one of the players has critical health then the other player can give them a health boost and if the other player didn’t reach on time then both the players will die and the game will load from the last checkpoint. At some points in the game, the 2 players are separated on purpose and each of them has to perform some particular tasks to reunite. The 2 players can also exchange items among themselves.


Resident Evil 5

               The graphics of the game is visually stunning. It has a huge variety of environments and each of them is very detailed. The in-game cutscenes are like Hollywood action movies, all of them are incredibly animated.

               If you are a regular gamer then you can finish this game in 12 hours. (It is shorter than Resident Evil 4) There are many treasures in the game that you can hunt if you want. Even though the movement of players is slow, the storyline and co-op gameplay are pretty amazing. The game isn’t as scary as the Resident Evil 4 as most of the time Chris and Sheva work in the daytime. 

Resident Evil 5

If you want to know the system requirements of the game then - Click Here
If you want to see my review on Resident Evil 4 then - Click Here
Resident Evil 5 Wikipedia - Click Here



Check out m reviews on -> Resident Evil 6
                                        -> Resident Evil 4


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