Resident Evil 4


               Our player is a U.S. GOVERNMENT SPECIAL AGENT LEON S. KENNEDY. LEON is sent on a mission to save the daughter of the U.S. PRESIDENT. The girl’s name is ASHLEY GRAHAM and she was kidnapped by a cult in a rural part of EUROPE.

Here is a link to the trailer:- Click Here

The PRESIDENT’S daughter is kidnapped and all they send is a SPECIAL AGENT with only a HANDGUN. WOW!
Actually, there were 2 more police officers with him but they were killed at the very beginning of the game. Still ...3 people..really?


There are 4 stages in RESIDENT EVIL 4 and they are portrayed as:-
  1. THE VILLAGE - From where we start our mission, and where all the villagers (ZOMBIES) controlled by the virus try to kill us.
  2. THE CHURCH - We meet ASHLEY here and rescue her for the first time.
  3. THE CASTLE - A place that belonged to the main villain of the game and where we get separated from ASHLEY and kill SALAZAR (also the main villain).
  4. THE ISLAND - Where the research on the virus was going on and the final stage.
The castle was the toughest stage for me. Read the whole post to know why.


               The village in which ASHLEY is kept is filled with villagers whose minds are controlled by a PARASITE. They are ZOMBIES of course. When LEON reaches there the zombie attacks him in hordes and you have to kill them all to survive and move forward. Thankfully you get ammo from crates. There is this life-saving man who comes multiples times in-game to sell us weapons. When I saw him the first time, I was scared to go near him but from the second encounter, he was the most relieving creature (i said creature because he hardly looked like a man) in the game. In this game, you get herbs from which you can make medicines. You can buy them too from that merchant if you have enough money. You get money by killing the zombies or from the crates. You can also sell the things you don't use to the merchant. You will find many treasures in the game you can sell it too and become rich in the game.

               There is a weird thing about this game. There is no crosshair for the weapon, you have to aim through a laser sight. It was really inconvenient at first but after sometimes I was able to aim pretty well. This game gives the player option to shoot the enemy at different body parts. Shooting the zombies in different body parts gives different results. Like if you will shoot a zombie in the head it will die instantly, if you will shoot a zombie’s hand then the weapon the zombie is holding will fall down( YES ZOMBIES IN RESIDENT EVIL CARRY WEAPONS) and if you will shoot the zombie’s leg then it will slow down the zombie or even take away its ability to walk/run. But sometimes things don’t go as planned, sometimes when you will shoot the zombie’s head a monstrous creature will come out of its head, the same thing happens sometimes when you shoot the arms and legs of zombies. You can also perform cool melee attacks on the zombies. You can also shoot down the throwable weapon the zombies throw at you like Molotov, axe, etc.

               There are some quick timing events in which you have to press some particular buttons to dodge an attack or a falling huge rock. The villagers in the game that turned into the zombies are known as LOS GANADOS. LOS GANADOS can dodge your attacks and they can even dodge bullets. The inventory we get in this game is pretty interesting. You can’t put anything and everything in your suitcase (your inventory). You have to organize your suitcase in such a way that it can carry the maximum amount of supplies. You can also upgrade your suitcase to get more space.
There is this man who serves us as a merchant. When I first saw him, I was so afraid because of the appearance that I shot him but from the next encounter, he became the person who made me happy whenever I met him. He was a sign of relief because no enemy dared to come near him because he had all the weapons in the world (JK, the gameplay is just like that). He sells first aid sprays and weapons. He can also upgrade your weapons and you can also sell treasures you find in the game by killing zombies and monsters or from crates.

              The mind controlling parasite is known as LAS PLAGAS. When LEON was searching for ASHLEY in the village a man named BITORES MENDES captures him and injects him with LAS PLAGAS. LEON was then kept captive with a guy named LUIS SERA. LUIS SERA was a researcher who was researching on LOS ILLUMINADOS in that village. They somehow managed to escape by working together and went on their separate ways. LEON then finds out that ASHLEY was held in a church. LEON rescues ASHLEY and they both escaped the place but just then OSMUND SADDLER, leader of LOS ILLUMINADOS comes into the screen and tells them about his plan. He says that he injected ASHLEY with the plague and manipulated her to inject the virus into her dad i.e. the president of the United States when she returns home and after this SADDLER will rule the world.
I really don’t understand why he told his plans to LEON and ASHLEY. If he had been kept quiet, no one would have known his plan and his plan could have worked and he could have ruled the world. Well, he was an idiot.


               The above image is of a castle where I faced many difficulties as this place is full of jump scares and weird zombies. If you will shoot the zombies here in the head, an insect will come out and if you will kill the body of the zombie then the insect will come for you. There was this wolverine like monster who had huge metal claws. In the castle, you get trapped inside a small cage with that monster. You get very little space to move and he can kill you with one slash. Here is a photo of him.


               LEON and ASHLEY took refuge in a CASTLE where they were attacked by LOS ILLUMINADOS who were controlled by RAMON SALAZAR. RAMON SALAZAR was a henchman of SADDLER who owned the castle. LEON and ASHLEY get separated because of SALAZAR’S traps. Meanwhile, LUIS SERA searches for pills to slow down the effect of the plague virus inside LEON and ASHLEY. LUIS SERA brings the pills and the sample of LAS PLAGAS to LEON but SADDLER KILLS him in the castle in front of LEON. SAD MOMENT. LEON gets the pills somehow bit SADDLERS takes away the sample of LAS PLAGAS. Then LEON meets ADA WONG. ADA WONG is also a special agent but she has a different purpose. She helps LEON throughout the game in many ways. Then LEON proceeds with his mission and gets out of the castle. On his way out he kills SALAZAR who somehow becomes a huge monster. But our hero defeats him without any problem. (After 3 attempts).

Sad part - At one time in the game LEON gets surrounded by a huge number of zombies and it was nearly impossible to get out of there but just then our friend comes in a helicopter to back us up. He kills many zombies but then someone shoots the helicopter with a rocket launcher and our friend dies. This sad scene was to connect the players to the game emotionally and it did the task. I was sad as well as angry with the villain which helped me play better.

               After defeating SALAZAR, LEON travels to a nearby island where the research on the virus was going on. LEON continues to search for ASHLEY. He then meets JACK KRAUSER. JACK KRAUSER was one of his former training comrades and everyone thought that he has been killed in a helicopter crash two years ago. LEON finds out that he was the one who was responsible for the kidnapping of ASHLEY. KRAUSER and ADA were working with ALBERT WESKER, and they were sent to get a PLAGAS sample. SADDLER was suspicious of KRAUSER being a spy therefore he orders KRAUSER to kill LEON. SADDLER believed that it doesn’t matter who will die, he will benefit from it anyway. LEON and KRAUSER have a very interesting knife fight (One of my favorite) but ADA comes in between and stops the fight. But in the final battle between KRAUSER AND LEON, LEON kills KRAUSER. Then LEON SAVES ASHLEY and they remove the PLAGAS from their body using a SPECIAL RADIOTHERAPUTIC DEVICE. 

Quick Tip

               Completing the Island stage is not easy because there are zombies in the laboratory which are different from others. They will not get killed by a normal weapon, you have to shoot them a lot which will drain all your ammo stash. There is an easy trick to kill them. Just before you encounter these zombies, you get to see the merchant. You should buy a sniper with a thermal scope. When you will scope into the special zombies in the laboratory, you will see some worm-like creatures stuck inside their bodies. Shoot all the small worm-like creatures and the specialized zombies will die instantly.

               In the end LEON confronts SADDLER and they have a very long fight because saddler becomes a huge monster. Then ADA gives LEON an ultimate weapon to kill SADDLER MONSTER, a RED ROCKET LAUNCHER, which kills SADDLER MONSTER in one shot.


               I think the RESIDENT EVIL 4 is the best game in the series of RESIDENT EVIL GAMES. I loved the storyline of the game. There were some loopholes in the story but still the story is very interesting. The graphics of the game is okay since it is an old game, its graphics is not realistic, still, it's good for a game that old. The characters in the game are also interesting, I personally like LEON S. KENNEDY. RESIDENT EVIL 4 is not a very hard game, if a newbie is playing this game in easy mode then I don’t think he will face any difficulties completing the game, so if you are a starter and you are searching for an easy horror game then I will recommend you to play this game.


               There was a dog in this game I would love to mention. No one talks about that dog as it came only to times in the game. At the beginning of the game, Leon finds a dog stuck in a bear trap and Leon helps the dog to escape the trap. When we move ahead in the game and go in a fight with the El Gigante for the first time in the game, the dog comes and helps us fight El Gigante. This moment was for a few seconds but it was the best moment in the game for me. Dogs are man's best friend indeed.


Not 10/10 because of some loop holes in the story, like who the hell sends only one agent to rescue the U.S. President’s Daughter , and only with a hand gun .


Check out my reviews on -> Resident Evil 6 
                                          -> Resident Evil 5


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