Far Cry 2

               UBISOFT MONTREAL launched FAR CRY 2 in the year 2008. Even though this game is 12 years old the detailing done in this game is worth praising. Some details in this game are even better than FAR CRY 3 and 4.
In FAR CRY 2, there are many characters with interesting traits. Some of them are:-
            1.      MARTY ALENCAR
            2.      PAUL FERENC
            4.      WARREN CLYDE
Those players whom we do not choose, help us throughout the game by saving us from the enemies or from dying.
               The game shows a place form AFRICA which is in a very bad condition. There is no GOVERNMENT at that place and some people want to flee from that place but they are unable to do so. There are different groups at this place:-

Far Cry 2

                These two groups are always in a war with each other. To fight a war they need WEAPONS. There is a man named THE JACKAL who supplies weapons to both the groups. Our ultimate mission in the game is to kill this man.

               In the game, our character is a mercenary. We (WE = PLAYER + YOU) do anything for money. Therefore we are hired to kill THE JACKAL and stop the CIVIL WAR. At the beginning of the game, we were going to a hotel in a car . As soon as we reach the hotel, we get unconscious. It was due to MALARIA. That place was a place of many diseases. When we get a bit conscious and open our eyes we see JACKAL standing in front of us, investigating our kinds of stuff. He reads all our documents and information about our mission. He says that he knows we were there to kill him. He says that he is the one who decides who lives and who dies. We were able to see him still we were unable to do anything because of malaria.

Far Cry 2

               When we gain consciousness for the second time we see that there is a war going on between A.P.R. and U.F.F.L. in that city. Some people save us and gives us some medicine and weapons and tells us to join their group. Meanwhile, we meet the other playable characters of the game. These players are called BUDDIES in the game. As all of you know that in the FAR CRY game series there are many side missions which you can attempt while playing the game or you can finish them afterward, it’s totally your wish.


               I would suggest you play the side missions while playing the game, not in the end because side mission help you to understand the game more and also you can train yourself for the tough parts of the game.

               Further in the game, we help a journalist named REUBEN to find out the identity of JACKAL  and to find JACKAL himself. To catch JACKAL it was essential for us to survive therefore we go to a church and meet a priest who gives us malaria medicine. The medicine works for a particular time period therefore we have to take the medicine from time to time to survive. The medicine gets over sometimes and we have to meet some people to get medicine. This action of eating medicine from time to time and medicine getting over give the game a realistic touch. During a fight when we lose all our health and we run out of first aids then the BUDDIES come to help us and give us an adrenaline shot so that we can finish off the fight we started (They help us in the fight too).
Then we go to the headquarters of UFLL the UNITED FRONT FOR LIBERATION AND LABOUR ]. They make us their agent and give us tasks to do. like killing APR troops, killing their agent, or killing their captains. And on the other hand, we work for the APR too. They also give us mission killing UFLL people, captains, and agents. We were mercenaries, we worked for money, we worked for people who paid us therefore we were working for both APR and UFLL.

Far Cry 2

               After completing missions and tasks given by both groups, the leaders of both groups call us to give us a final task. The UFLL tells us to kill the leader of APR and the APR  tells us to kill the UFLL leader. But when we go on with our mission then the contractors attack us and somehow we manage to escape and end up in a desert and we lose consciousness. When we open our eyes we see that JACKAL was sitting in front of us and he saved our lives by bringing us to a safe house. But right then the troops arrive and JACKAL flees from there.

Far Cry 2

               After that the APR and UFLL decide to stop the civil war and be friends with each other. To show gratitude the UFLL group send us to deliver some diamonds to the APR group as a token of friendship. On our way to deliver the diamonds, we encounter JACKAL and he takes away the diamond s from us. Then the JACKAL confess in front of us that he wants to help the refugees of that place to escape because they were living a very bad life. He wanted the two groups to go on full war and the refugees escape the place easily. JACKAL tells us that he has placed some bombs on the border but there was some problem with the detonator, therefore someone has to go there and detonate the bomb manually. So either us or JACKAL has to do this and the one who will detonate the bomb manually will get killed right there. JACKAL then explains the plan. He tells us that we have to give the diamond to the guards guarding the border so that they allow the refugees to pass, and then someone has to detonate the bomb so that no one can follow the refugees.

Far Cry 2

               We go to the guard and give him the diamonds and right then JACKAL detonated the bomb. Journalist REUBEN captures all these incidents on his camera. At the end of the game, we rescue more than 2 crore people. Everyone thinks JACKAL died due to the bomb blast but no one ever found his dead body. Maybe there was nothing left of him or maybe he escapes the blast radius. The two groups APR and UFLL try to maintain order but failed eventually . The coverage the journalist REUBEN had was ignored by everyone and was not published anywhere so he decided to publish the story independently on his personal blog.

               At the end of the game, we are shown some pictures of refugees and some quotes which tell us that the game is based on true events. Maybe it is based on true events who knows.
My review – The story of the game was amazing just like other games of the FAR CRY series. The developers have tried to put many realistic situations in the game like as I mentioned before we have to take our medicines from time to time, then our vehicles break down when we drive roughly or when it gets shot and we can fix the vehicle, the guns we buy becomes old and gets jammed if not maintained properly. The weapons in the game are fine but each and every one of them needs to be maintained from time to time.

               The overall graphics of the game is good. The graphics are not so pleasing but it's okay for a game that old. Sometimes a zebra in the game looks like a rabid dog, so you can imagine how is the graphics.

Far Cry 2



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