Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Trailer - Click Here

               The timeline of the game is set on the same timeline as Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 i.e. the tragic time of Raccoon City where the T-Virus was spread for the first time. Therefore Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City features the characters of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 also . Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City is a third-person shooter survival horror game co-developed by Slant Six Games and Capcom. This game was released in the year 2012 on different dates in different countries. The game is about a group of elite paramilitary mercenaries of the Umbrella Corporation who were deployed in the Raccoon City during the Zombie outbreak.


Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
The U.S.S. - Umbrella Security Service

There are 12 playable characters in Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. There are two groups in the game:-
                         1)     Umbrella Security Service Team
                         2)     United States Special Ops Team

Every character has its own special ability. Umbrella Security Service Team included:-

                          1)     Vector – He is the team’s recon expert and is equipped with a cloaking ability.
                          2)     Lupo – She is the team leader.
                          3)     Beltway – He is the Explosive Expert.
                          4)     Spect – He is the marksman.
                          5)     Bertha – She is the medic.
                          6)     Four Eyes – She is a scientist with the ability to program the bio-organic weapons i.e. B.O.W.s.

United States Special Ops Team included:–

                          1)     Dee-Ay – He is the team leader.
                          2)     Willow – She is the Recon expert.
                          3)     Tweed – She is the Demolition Expert.
                          4)     Harley – He is the Medic.
                          5)     Shona – He is the field Scientist.
                          6)     Party Girl – She is the Sniper.

               The Zombies in the game have abilities to attack the player in many ways. If a mutated zombie gets too close to the player, it will attempt to grab the player and try to bite him/her. The Player has to press some buttons quickly to dodge the bite. If the player fails to do so he/she will be infected. The player has to take the antidote or else the player will turn into a zombie and the character will attack its own teammate until they kill that character and then the player respawns. Other than Zombies there are other enemies too in the game like Lickers , Hunters and Cerberuses .

               There is an online mode known as Hero Mode which allows you to play as special characters like Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine and Carlos, Ada Wong, HUNK, and a new character Lone Wolf.


U.S.S. - Umbrella Security Service. -

Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
U.S.S. and Hunk.

As I mentioned previously there are 2 groups in this game the U.S.S. and the Echo Six. The main campaign is of U.S.S. i.e. Umbrella Security Service and there is an extra Spec Ops campaign which consists of the Echo Six. Therefore first I will explain the main campaign which includes U.S.S.

               Umbrella Security Service Delta Team meets up with the  Alpha team leader Hunk in the underground laboratory of Umbrella in Raccoon City. Their mission was to help the Alpha Team to stop Dr.William Birkin as he was going to give his research on T- Virus to the U.S. Military. Their task was also to retrieve the G-Virus. When they were going to the lab of Dr. Birkin, they get to know that he hired numerous Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (U.B.C.S.) Mercenaries to work for him. As soon as the U.S.S. Delta team reaches his lab, they shoot him and retrieved the samples. Later they find that Birkin survived somehow and injected himself with the virus. ( This is why we should always shoot the enemy in the head, twice, just to be sure.) Birkin becomes monsters and his eyes shifted to his left arm which became extremely huge due to the virus. You have to shoot this eye to give him damage. You cannot kill this creature in the beginning as it is the main monster of the game, you just have to slow him down and run. Birkin kills most of the members of the Alpha Team. Hunk offers us to go back in search of the sample.

Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
Lupo melee attacks on a zombie who is not even looking at her.

After some battles, we come to know that the T-Virus is now spread all over the city and people are dying and turning into flesh-eating zombies. The Umbrella tells the Delta Team to wipe out all the evidence which suggests that Umbrella has anything to do with the virus outbreak. Therefore the Delta team proceeds to Raccoon City Hall where they meet a U.B.C.S. mercenary and their monitor Nicholai Ginovaef. Delta team finds out that he was a traitor and he also tries to kill Delta Team.

Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
Nicholai Ginovaef.

               Then the team is sent to Raccoon Park to find The Nemesis, which was gone, rogue. The stage of Nemesis was T-Type. The team had to inject a second virus in its body to bring him back under control. In this mission, we face 3 dangers all at the same time. We have to neutralize Nemesis which is attacking us, the Spec Ops team are trying to stop us and there are zombies all over the place. This mission is hard as we have to fight three enemies at the same time.

               When this mission is completed, the team is sent to RPD – Raccoon City Police Department and we are ordered to kill any surviving officers and destroy evidence linking the Umbrella Corporation to the virus outbreak. When the team completes the mission and exits the station, they encounter Leon S. Kennedy along with Sherry Birkin and Claire Redfield. They hunt down and successfully cornered Leon. For those who don’t know the timeline of the Resident Evil Franchise, Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield were the people who survived the Raccoon City Virus Outbreak. Sherry Birkin was the daughter of the doctor who made the virus. Leon and Claire were rescuing Sherry. To understand the storyline from the point of view of Leon and Claire you have to play Resident Evil 2 ( either an old one or a new one). Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City and Resident Evil 2 are set at the same time – i.e. the first virus outbreak in Raccoon City. Coming back to the game – here are two endings and you have to choose between the two:-

Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
Kill Leon or let him go. Your Wish.

                      1)     In one ending the members of umbrella resign Umbrella Corp. as it abandoned them during the mission and when umbrella orders them to execute Leon and Claire and bring Sherry to the Umbrella facility, they betray Umbrella and let the three live.

                      2)     In other ending, the team follows the order from the Umbrella Corp. and kills Leon and Claire and send Sherry to the Umbrella facility.

               So it's your choice, either you want to kill Leon or not. Who will even want to kill Leon? Anyway, Leon wasn’t killed in the main storyline which is why we got Resident Evil 4 and other games featuring Leon.

 Spec Ops - Team Echo Six. –

Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
Spec Ops - Team Echo Six in the sewer.

               The Spec Ops Command assigned the Echo Six team into Raccoon City in order to investigate the outbreak. When they were heading towards Raccoon City Police Department, they meet Jill Valentine who was trying to escape Nemesis. The whole story of Nemesis and Jill Valentine is in the game – Resident Evil 3. Nemesis was a B.O.W. programmed to eliminate threats to Umbrella Corporation. Umbrella was threatened by S.T.A.R.S therefore Nemesis was eliminating S.T.A.R.S., Jill Valentine, and Echo Six. There is a Resident Evil Movie based on the formation of Nemesis. You can watch that movie to get a better understanding of Nemesis. Jill Valentine is a highly skilled individual and usually works alone. Almost all the movies of Resident Evil features Jill Valentine. And later in Resident Evil 5, we get to know that Jill Valentine also worked with Chris Redfield as his partner.

Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
Dee Ay and Nemesis talking casually. 

               Jill Valentine states that Umbrella Corporation is responsible for the outbreak and she also tells the Echo Six team to investigate the City Hall for evidence. The Echo Six team find blueprints of an Umbrella underground laboratory in the City Hall and decides to go there. They get inside the sewers to find the entrance of the Laboratory. They also fight Nemesis on their way to the Laboratory. Further, in the sewers, they come in contact with mutated Birkin who was attacking U.S.S. Soldiers. They also find Claire Redfield who was searching for Sherry Birkin. The Echo Six team helps Claire to find Sherry and when they found Sherry they get attacked by mutated Birkin. Claire rescues Sherry and escapes the venue with the help of the Echo Six team and then Echo Six Team defeats Birkin and continues their mission.
Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
Carlos Oliver ( Teammate of Jill Valentine) giving back a hug to a zombie.

               When the Echo Six teams find the Laboratory they come to know that T-Virus was the cause of the outbreak and the G-Virus can make the things worse as it will mutate the zombies and B.O.W.s. The Spec Ops Command gives them the order to collect a sample of the G-Virus for further examination. Later in the game Echo Six Team finds that sherry was carrying a G-Virus Sample and a Tyrant was being programmed to go after her to kill her and retrieve the sample. Echo Six team somehow stops the programming but Tyrant awakens anyway and stacks them. They activate the self-destruction function of the laboratory to kill it and they run for the surface. The Tyrant was made of parasites from which Nemesis was made therefore Tyrant evolves and becomes Parasite Super Tyrant. This Tyrant can also be seen in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 as all these three games are played in the same timeline.

               Spec Ops Command receives as S.O.S. call from Leon S. Kennedy and told them that Sherry, Claire, and he wanted assistance in evacuation. Spec Ops Command orders Echo Six Team to assist Leon in the evacuation. The Parasite Super Tyrant survives the lab destruction and reaches the surface and attack the Echo Six team.  Now we get to see a very interesting fight between the Parasite Super Tyrant and Echo Six team. The mutation of the tyrant allows it to go underground and then reappear whenever it wants. To make this fight more difficult, zombies also attack the Echo Six Team. The fight occurs in an open field. Echo Six Team successfully defeats Parasite Super Tyrant but the Tyrant stood up to give the last fight but a member of the Echo Six Team runs towards it and penetrates a grenade inside the Tyrant’s chest and Tyrant’s inside blast and it dies this time for real. Leon, Claire, and Sherry gets evacuated and the Spec Ops command orders the Echo Six team to stay there for one last mission which only the can accomplish.


Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City
Lupo dodging Hunter attack.

               The Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City game could have been better. The storyline of this game is very impressive as it refers to the timeline the same as Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3. The A.I. Teammates of Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is completely useless. You can play this game with your friends as your teammates but when you are playing a single-player then you have to play with stupid A.I. Teammates. The A.I. Teammates are just a burden in the whole game. They create problems instead of helping. You cant even instruct them what to do. They get killed easily by going to places no one should, like …Towards a GRENADE. They don’t provide support in any way they not even kill zombies properly. The A.I. Enemies in the game are similarly stupid, they will run towards you with full speed then they will turn and run to someplace even though no one is there.

               This game comes with an auto cover system therefore whenever you are near any random wall, the character will take cover regardless of the enemy. This auto cover is sometimes useful but most of the time it causes irritation as it slows down the player.

               All together we can conclude that Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is a good game but it could have been better. The storyline of the game is perfect but developers could have worked more on the A.I. Teammates and enemies and also the atmosphere of the game. They should have not added the auto cover system which is useless. I liked most part of the game and I actually love the game because I always prefer storyline above all other characteristics of the game. The graphics of the game is also good, and this game can be played in low spec P.C. also so it got a plus point here. I will suggest you play this game if you also prefer the storyline . The graphics of this game will not disappoint you.



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